Who I Am and The Purpose of this Journal

3 min readMay 21, 2019


In 2015, my worldview was obliterated by someone far wiser than myself. I couldn’t even be angry. I just didn’t know what to believe anymore. Since then, I have engaged more deeply with political theory, ethics, and philosophy. I have questioned my beliefs and have strived to develop my own alternative comprehensive worldview.

This journal is a record of my thoughts, my beliefs, my theories, etc. Some of these posts will be well-formed and thorough; others will be the equivalent of random brainstorming, throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks. I’m working on a number of different ideas and projects (meta-ethics, post-liberalism, and post-capitalist economics being 3 of them).

There are three major projects I am working on:

  1. The development of a new comprehensive meta-ethical platform tentatively referred to as “Justificatory Ethics”
  2. The consolidation of a systematic critique of the philosophical project of Liberalism and its tenets
  3. The development of a comprehensive post-capitalist economic system that does not suffer the pitfalls of communistic systems while maintaining other political ideals

Other than that, I will likely make posts regarding a variety of topics depending on what I am interested in at any particular moment.

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I’m currently a 22 year old senior in college in the US of A. At the age of 11, I became aware of politics for the first time. It was 6th grade, in 2008, and we were in class talking about the election. We had those little Kid’s Scholastic magazines with blurbs about the candidates and we held a vote. The vote ended up 10 McCain, 10 Obama, and 1 for the Green party (I’m sure you can see where this is going). The Green voter was me, even if I didn’t admit it because damn I was shy and awkward. For a few years after that, I wasn’t really involved in politics, until I started engaging moreso in High School. Some basic “liberal” and “progressive” opinions morphed into more left-wing ideals. I flirted with anarchism for a while. And this was basically my high school mindset.

Until 2015. I encountered a blogger (I know, how epic). This blogger was named Zippy. And he simply broke my worldview. Nothing made sense anymore. The foundations of everything I believed now seemed beyond faulty, rotten to their core. And so I struggled. For the next couple years I played with almost every ideology on the map at some point. It wouldn’t be until 2017 that I would truly begin developing my own ideas. It was here that my ideas about “justificatory ethics”, the “post-liberal left”, and a new economic system began developing.

Since then, a lot has happened. I’ve continued moving through ideologies, and will likely keep critiquing my thought as I am exposed to more knowledge about the world, either through reading, discussing, or actual experience.

I must also say that I hope Zippy, who passed away in the Fall of 2018, rests in peace. His influence on my thought was profound and cannot be overstated. I hope to carry on the torch of challenging our dogmatic Liberal worldview, and building a new set of values and ideals worthy of the Left.




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